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- Upload Module
- -------------
- This module allows you to use fast 1541 DOS routines for disk uploads.
- This can significantly improve the throughput rate (the upload is faster!)
- This module currently supports one other major function. For multi-punter
- and Y-modem batch transfers you will see a menu of the file names on the
- current disk. This allows you to pick which files you want to send.
- Commands are:
- Y - Yes, send this file
- N - No, do not send this file
- A - Send all files from the current file on
- D - Done selecting files, now go to it!
- Q - Quit, which aborts the entire upload.
- Display Parameters
- ------------------
- Terminal Character:
- Selects the character color for the terminal screen (the screen used in
- "Terminal Mode.")
- Background:
- Selects the background color for the terminal screen.
- Reverse:
- This option reverses the character & background colors for each
- character on the terminal screen. By setting this option to "Yes" you can
- create a border.
- Flash:
- "No" means characters printed to the terminal screen will not flash.
- "Yes" means characters printed to the terminal screen will flash.
- The following terminal emulations may change this setting:
- Vt-100, C/G, and Ansi.
- You can change this setting manually. (See "Display Notes")
- Underline:
- "No" means characters printed to the terminal screen will not be
- underlined.
- "Yes" means characters printed to the terminal screen will be
- underlined.
- The following terminal emulations may change this setting:
- Vt-100, C/G, and Ansi.
- You can change this setting manually. (See "Display Notes")
- Inverse:
- "No" means characters printed to the terminal screen will not be
- inversed.
- "Yes" means characters printed to the terminal screen will be
- inversed.
- The following terminal emulations may change this setting:
- Vt-100, DataMedia 1500, ProTerm Special, and Ansi.
- You can change this setting manually. (See "Display Notes"). C/G
- inverse printing does not use this setting.
- Mousetext:
- "No" means Mouse Text is not active.
- "Yes" means Mouse Text is active. When active, characters "@" to "{CBM-*}"
- (Ascii 64-95) will display extended Apple characters when
- printed to the terminal screen. This is for ProTerm Special
- exclusively.
- Insert:
- "No" means terminal printing will be in overstrike mode (the same
- mode as ESC-C key sequence on the 128).
- "Yes" means terminal printing will be in insert mode. When a
- character is printed, all characters after the current print
- location are pushed to the right. (The same as the ESC-A key
- sequence on the 128). Due to the way the VDC works, printing in
- this mode may occasionally be too slow to keep up at higher baud
- rate speeds.
- Quote/Insert:
- This option determines whether insert and quote modes are allowed in C/G
- mode. Normally this should be set to "No."
- Configure System:
- This is a system module where you can set various display parameters and
- create a configuration file that will automatically load and adjust the
- system to your own preferences.
- Display Notes:
- You may find from time to time that line noise will inadvertently change
- some of the attribute settings. This is especially true while using
- DataMedia 1500 or ProTerm Special which use single character commands. For
- example, DataMedia 1500 uses CTRL-O (Ascii 15) to turn on inverse mode. If
- line noise generates this character (the noise created from hanging up can
- cause it too) inverse mode will be turned on. If this happens go to the
- "Display Parameters" option and reset the affected attribute.
- The C/G terminal does recognize the ESC A & C sequences but the status of
- ESC-A insert mode is NOT shown here. To enter or exit insert mode in the
- C/G terminal you will have to turn on local echo and type ESC A to enable
- insert mode or ESC C to enable overstrike mode (normal).
- Phone Help
- ----------
- When you load this module from the Miscellaneous menu you can access phone
- directory help by pressing the HELP key while in the phone directory.
- Press any key to advance to the next window or ESCape to abort.
- Term Help
- ---------
- This module is intended to help you learn the ALT key functions in terminal
- mode. To use it select the "Term Help" option in the "Miscellaneous" menu.
- Once loaded you activate the module by pressing HELP in terminal mode. You
- advance to the next window by pressing any key or ESCape to abort. While a
- window is displayed the RS-232 input buffer is not emptied. You should
- view windows only when there is a pause in receiving characters, i.e. at
- prompts. Because this module uses the HELP key you cannot generate a
- "BREAK" signal while this module is in memory.
- Buffer Help
- -----------
- Like the other two HELP modules, this will display a pull-down menu of the
- hot keys you can use in the Buffer Editor. The explanation of the keys is
- found in the Keyboard docs file.
- Blind Dial
- ----------
- This module allows you to dial numbers in the phone directory while you
- work in the buffer editor. This can be very useful if the number(s) you
- are attempting to call are busy.
- Within the "Miscellaneous" menu you will find "Blind Dial." Select that
- option to load this module.
- To use this module you must first enter the phone directory and select the
- number(s) that you want to call. Do this by highlighting the number and
- then pressing F3 to toggle the dial status to "Yes." The dial column is on
- the far right of the first phone directory page.
- Then you must enter the buffer editor. While in the editor press F1 Keypad
- 2. This activates the blind dialer. A flashing buffer indicator alerts
- you to the fact that this module is active.
- The blind dialer operates in the background and it uses the same calling
- parameters that are used from within the phone directory, i.e. the timers,
- cancel call waiting, interpret call progress strings, etc. You cannot,
- however, pause a number being dialed by holding down the shift key, or
- cancel a call by pressing a key. Once the blind dialer has been activated
- you have no direct control of it. The only way to stop the blind dialer is
- by exiting the editor.
- If a connection is made with the blind dialer you are taken out of the
- editor and placed in terminal mode with the terminal characteristics and
- log on macro defined for the number in the phone directory. Because of
- this, it is recommended that you blind dial only with the modem speaker
- turned on. That way you can hear when a number is ringing and prepare
- yourself for a sudden exit. If you are doing something important make a
- note of the "BYTES BEG" indicator. Then you can later pick up where you
- left off by using the keypad 6 command in the editor to go back to where
- you were.
- The module enters a pause mode whenever a command is working (the far right
- "W" indicator). This prevents an interruption of a command that hasn't
- finished thus preventing a corruption of the buffer contents.
- When you exit the editor with the blind dialer activate you turn it off and
- cancel any call already in progress. Because of this you should exit the
- editor only between calls.
- RS-232
- ------
- Here is where you can set the parameters for RS-232 communications. BBS's
- almost always use a word length of 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
- Mainframes often use 7 bit word lengths with either even or odd parity.
- Use Custom Drivers:
- This option allows you to choose between two different sets of software
- to handle RS-232 communications. If this option is set to "no" the
- standard ROM code is used to communicate with the modem. (Actually, there
- is one difference. This program allows you to vary the transmit and
- receive baud rates independently). If this option is set to "yes"
- customized software is used to communicate with the modem. The operating
- characteristics are as follows:
- Standard ROM code:
- Allows full baud speed, 256 byte buffered transmission for all
- output functions to the modem.
- Simultaneous transmission/reception is very poor.
- Full RS-232 error checking is performed on incoming bytes.
- Program code is relatively inefficient.
- Can use 3-line or X-line handshaking.
- Custom Drivers:
- Output to modem is not buffered before transmitted.
- Transmission speed is slightly slower than the baud rate.
- Simultaneous transmission/reception is very good (it works!)
- No RS-232 error checking is performed on incoming bytes.
- Program code is very efficient.
- Can only use 3-line handshaking.
- The custom drivers are more reliable than the standard ROM code
- because they allow simultaneous I/O. They are a must on mainframes and
- other computer systems that use any emulations. Also, when you are in
- remote mode and have remote echo on (normally you will in remote mode) the
- custom drivers are preferred. The only advantage to selecting the ROM code
- is when you upload as it will be slightly faster. Downloads are the same
- speed with either.
- Configure RS-232:
- Selecting this option allows you configure the system to your modem.
- Modem String:
- Select this option to edit the system's modem initialization string.
- Type a quote to recall the previous string (you don't have to re-type the
- entire line). Consult your manual for the commands that your modem will
- recognize.
- Initialize Modem:
- Select this option to alter the modem's operating characteristics.
- The way this command works depends on the carrier status and the modem
- type. If you are offline the modem string is sent to the modem. If you
- are online the modem type determines the action taken. If the modem type
- is "1670" the initialization will fail. If the modem type is "Hayes" the
- modem escape string is sent to the modem to put the modem in command mode,
- then the modem string is sent, then the modem is instructed to go back
- online.
- Always watch the status window to be sure the initialization worked (you'll
- see "ok" if all went well).
- Notes:
- Which devices on the serial bus are on and off can make a difference and
- can keep the modem from working correctly.
- Zip
- ---
- Zip is a 1541 disk utility which will pack an entire 1541 formatted disk
- into 4 files. Each of these begins with a number from 1-4 followed by an
- exclamation point. The files created by Zip are:
- Zip File Data for Tracks
- -------- ---------------
- 1! 1 - 8
- 2! 9 - 16
- 3! 17 - 25
- 4! 26 - 35
- Disk Directory:
- Displays the directory of the source device used by Zip!
- Zip a Disk:
- Select this option to zip a disk. Place the source disk in the source
- device. If you have more than 1 device you can place a formatted disk in
- the zip destination device to avoid disk swapping. Press return when
- ready. From this point on follow the prompts.
- ZIP Write:
- Set to "No" if you are saving your files to a device other than a
- 1541. This option is not specifically needed because the modules first
- checks the device type before writing. If it isn't a 1541 normal DOS
- routines are used regardless of this setting.
- File Source:
- This is the device that contains the disk to be zipped.
- File Destination:
- This is the device that the 4 zip files are written to. If this is
- the same as the source device you will be prompted to swap disks during
- each pass. Before a Zip file is written to the destination disk the module
- checks to make sure that there is enough room to save the file. If not,
- you will be prompted to insert another destination disk.
- Notes:
- The source device must be a 1541.
- Press ESCape at the "Insert a disk" prompt to abort Zip. You can also
- press RUN/STOP to abort. The stop key is only recognized after a full pass
- has ended.
- Do not use any device/drive overrides and never use '*' or '?' in Zip file
- names.
- This module is compatible with the C64 version of Zip!
- Since Zip archives all 683 blocks of a 1541 diskette (664 free + 19 on
- track 18, the directory) the 4 files created may not fit on 1 destination
- disk.
- Before using this utility you should use the "Error Scan" option in the
- fast format module. If no errors are present on the source disk then this
- utility will work correctly. If even 1 DOS error occurs in the scan use
- Zip Six-Pack (see below).
- Unzip
- -----
- Unzip is a 1541 disk utility which will unpack an entire 1541 formatted
- disk that was packed with Zip. The 4 files created by Zip are used to re-
- write an entire disk, re-creating the original.
- Disk Directory:
- Displays the directory of the source device used by Unzip.
- Unzip a Disk:
- Select this option to unzip a disk. Place the source disk in the
- source device. If you have more than 1 device you can place a disk in the
- destination device to avoid disk swapping. The destination disk does not
- need to be formatted as this utility will automatically format the
- destination disk as it writes each track.
- ZIP Read:
- Set to "No" if you are loading your files from a device other than a
- 1541. This option is not specifically needed because the modules first
- checks the device type before loading. If it isn't a 1541 normal DOS
- routines are used regardless of this setting.
- File Source:
- This is the device that contains the 4 "!" files to be unzipped.
- File Destination:
- This is the device that contains the destination disk. The disk in
- this device is completely overwritten, and will be a copy of the original
- disk. If this device is the same as the source device you will be prompted
- to swap disks during each pass.
- Notes:
- The destination device must be a 1541.
- Press ESCape at an "Insert a disk" prompt to abort Unzip. You can also
- press RUN/STOP to abort. The stop key is only recognized after a full pass
- has ended.
- This module is compatible with the C64 version of Unzip.
- Do not use any device/drive overrides in unzip file names.
- Enter Monitor
- -------------
- WARNING... If you are not an experienced machine language programmer then
- you have no reason to select this option. Accidentally changing 1 byte of
- memory could cause a program lock-up!! If you wander here by accident,
- type "x" and press RETURN.
- Have you ever heard of a terminal program that has a built-in machine
- language monitor? Yes, here it is. It is essentially the C128's own
- monitor with a few exceptions. If you have the capture buffer open, all
- monitor output will be sent to the screen and capture buffer. Remember,
- the monitor uses PetAscii codes which will not look correct in the editor.
- You can convert the monitor's output text to Ascii in the editor with the
- F1 CTRL-keypad 2 command (see "Buffer Editor"). All screen editor routines
- work as usual on the C128, including escape sequences and windowing. The
- only exception is the ESCape-X sequence. This is ignored.
- This is one of the few places where continuous terminal mode printing does
- not work. You must be offline, or you must make sure the remote system is
- not sending characters before entering this option or you risk an RS-232
- buffer overrun.
- For a summary of commands refer to your C128's owner's guide.
- EXTREME CAUTION should be exercised if you select this option. Almost all
- memory locations in Bank 0 are used for "something." Bank 0 is also where
- DT128 is located! Changing any part of Bank 0 memory will likely cause a
- crash. See the memory map below:
- Address Range (Bank 0)
- -------------------------
- $00-$01 Never change these registers
- $02-$FF Most of the locations in this area are used either by
- DT128 or operating system routines. Location $D8 must
- contain the value $FF
- $0100-$01FF processor stack area (busy!)
- $0200-$02A1 Main command buffer - used a lot!
- $02A2-$02FB This area should not be changed!
- $02FC-$033D These vectors should not be changed. This includes
- $0312-$0313. NEVER change these locations.
- $033E-$03FF This area is used by the screen editor
- $0400-$0804 This is the only "free" memory in Bank 0. This area is
- used extensively by DT128. While you are in the monitor
- you may freely change any of this memory for temporary
- work space. You can even assemble and "run" short ML
- routines in this area. However, do not call any KERNAL
- or BASIC routines that affect memory configuration, or
- alter any work space used by DT128, including vectors.
- Many system modules use this area.
- $0805-$097F default system/user configuration storage area
- $0980-$09FF DT128 work space
- $0A00-$0AFF Used by the C128, bit 0 of $0A04 must be %0
- $0B00-$0BFF Every memory location in this area is used by DT128.
- Leave this area alone
- $0C00-$0CFF RS-232 input buffer
- $0D00-$0DFF RS-232 output buffer
- $0E00-$12FF work space for DT128 DO NOT TOUCH
- $1300-$AFFF DT128 resides here! Do not touch or a crash is likely!
- $B000-$BFFF This 4K area is reserved for system modules
- $C000-$C790 Phone directory
- $C791-$C79F future expansion
- $C7A0-$D7FF reserved area for text
- $D800-$DFFF DT128 editor work space
- $E000-$EFFF used for character/music sets
- Bank 1 is used for the capture buffer, from $0400-$FEFF. This memory is
- available if the buffer is empty. $FF00-$FFFF should not be changed!!
- Memory locations $02-$03FF in bank 1 are reserved for future versions.
- The screen editor portion of the IRQ must be left disabled. Memory
- location $D8 must always contain $FF. BASIC's IRQ must also be disabled.
- Bit 0 of $0A04 must be %0 or problems will arise.
- The preconfiguration registers at $D501-$D504 should not be changed as
- DT128 relies on these registers to have certain values. Changing any of
- these registers will change the banking scheme and will almost certainly
- cause a crash.